At one point of the short story, "Flowers for Algernon", Charlie Gordon overheard the conversation between Doctor Nemur and Doctor Strauss in which they were discussing their different opinions on the definition of I.Q.
In fact, even till now, no concensus has been reached in deriving a standard way of measuring people's I.Q.
Below are some links which give you some information about "Intelligence" and related information about I.Q. tests. Do access these links and, in your group, note those information which you deem useful in helping you create an I.Q. test of your own for the rest of the class to do.
When doing the I.Q. test, note the questions asked in the test and think about the following questions:
1. Do you think the questions asked in the test really measure your intelligence? Why or Why not?
2. How did you feel while taking the test? How did you feel after receiving your I.Q. score?
3. Do you think your I.Q. score is accurate in representing your level of intelligence? Why/Why not?
Now, with all of the above information and questions in mind, in your own group, create your very own I.Q. test to use it on your classmates. You are given 3 weeks (6 - 27 Feb 2009) to do this.